We’d like to take a moment to give a quick shout out to a wonderful organization that has affected real change through its research throughout the years and is near and very dear to the Healey family, Daisy’s Eye Cancer Fund.
Daisy’s is a research foundation dedicated to helping children with retinoblastoma, the form of eye cancer which took Jeff’s sight as an infant.
His son Derek was born with the same genetic mutation that caused the retinoblastoma in Jeff, but thanks to the very real hard work and research that Daisy’s does, Derek was actually diagnosed in vitro and treatment began immediately after he was born. As a result, Derek has been tumor-free for 6 years and has near-perfect eyesight.
Less than a decade earlier, such an early diagnosis would have been impossible.
You can check them out at www.daisyfund.org
…and if you’re interested in donating, please check HERE
Just read about the Daisy’s eye cancer fund. It is so awesome to hear Derek Jeff’s son has nearly perfect vision. God Bless you and hope it stays that way.
Awesome website & tribute to one of the extra-ordinary human beings to have walked this earth. Learned more than I ever could from just a song. Thank you for the knowledge.