Welcome to our year end wrap up! We hope you’ve all had a wonderful, safe holiday and are gearing up for a fantastic new year!
2024 has been very busy for us here at The Estate of Jeff Healey, so let’s get right to it…

Earlier this year, we announced the much anticipated release of ‘Road House: The Lost Soundtrack‘! This project was years in the making, and we were incredibly excited to finally share it with you! Our good friends at Sony Music, allowed us to dive into their archives and gather up the pieces of this lost gem. Of the twelve tracks that were featured in the cult classic, Road House, only four were ever officially released. Now, for the first time ever, all twelve, along with an additional *seven* bonus cuts from the same sessions, have been painstakingly remixed, remastered, and compiled on this special album. Have to say, we’re pretty darn happy with the way it turned out, and we hope you are too!… Click HERE for all the details, full liner notes and YouTube links!
We have also been in full swing on the production of the official Jeff Healey documentary, ‘SEE THE LIGHT: The Jeff Healey Story‘!
Many of you have been asking about the status of the film and rest assured, all is proceeding apace. There have been a few minor production shuffles behind the scenes but that hasn’t changed our trajectory. We’ve just shot our final interview only a few short weeks ago, bringing the total number of interviews up to *fifty*!
We continue to build our incredible team for all the editing and post-production work, which will get underway early in the new year. Completely understand you guys are anxiously awaiting this, and we want you to know, that your patience is truly appreciated. As with all of our archival projects, if we can’t make it as great as possible, then for us, there’s no point in doing it at all. Full stop. There is some really cool stuff planned and we think it’s going to be pretty special…
Since announcing the first whispers of this project over a year ago, there have been a number of vids using Jeff’s name popping up on YouTube with terms like ‘documentary‘, ‘mini-documentary‘, ‘sizzle reel‘ and such, appearing in the title or description. Please know, if it ain’t coming from our Official YouTube Channel, it isn’t official and has nothing to do with us…
For those of you who missed it the first time, here is the official teaser for the film. Most of the interviews are from the very first round, but we wanted to share a bit of the excitement we were feeling with the rest of you…
And as we get further into the production process, we will be sharing more…
Meantime, Here is the brand-spankin’-new teaser poster for your enjoyment and edification!

Now, on to other business 🙂 … Spotify published their year end numbers recently and looky-looky…

Wow! It’s truly overwhelming to see so many people grooving to Jeff after all this time!
Spotify breaks up Jeff Healey and The Jeff Healey Band into 2 separate artist pages (unlike YouTube) so here are the links to both… * JEFF HEALEY * and * The JEFF HEALEY Band * Dig fellow babies! Dig!
Meanwhile, you’ve all been equally busy over on the Official Jeff Healey YouTube Channel! Here’s how our year end shook out…

11.4 *MILLION* views! *whee-ooo* you guys! Ah-Mazing!!!
As always, we want to wish you all the best for the coming year!
(and… we are also aware that 2026, marks a very important anniversary as well… hmmm what could we be planning… 🙂 )
Peace and Love folks. Be excellent to each other!
Thanks for all you do, Rog. Looking forward to the doc. X
Really looking forward to this!!!!
I’ve been trying to find all his lps can’t wait for the movie
I saw him in concert at hole in the wall bar in Daytona called Fink’s
Remembering a great artist. His voice was recognizable. I didn’t know who he was until Road House. He was a gift to the Canadian music industry!