Welcome dear friends.
It is hard to believe that six years ago today we bid farewell to Jeff Healey. On that day we lost a dear friend, brother, son, father, husband, band mate, colleague and unquestionable talent.
In Jeff’s short 41 years he touched countless lives with his music and spirit and he continues to do so to this day.
We wanted to take a moment to mark this sad anniversary and to thank all of you for joining us on this journey of remembrance. In celebrating Jeff’s life, you help us to keep his memory and legacy vital and alive.
In addition to the thousands of you who have registered here on the site, Jeff’s official Facebook page is booming. A testament to the impact Jeff has had, we recently passed 55,000 ‘likes’ and 200 to 300 new fans are joining the page daily.
And thanks to folks like you, we are constantly discovering new chronicles of Jeff’s public life, adding fresh pages to the story. It gives us great joy to be able to share these with you…
One such recently unearthed gem comes to us courtesy of Mike Nile. This is Jeff performing at Mick Fleetwood’s (Fleetwood Mac) wedding in the late 1980’s. Here’s Mike’s description:
“Ian Whitcomb performs his 1965 top ten hit “You Turn Me On” with Mick Fleetwood on drums, Jeff Healey on guitar, and the L.A. Philharmonic Players. This is from Mick and Sara Fleetwood’s wedding in Malibu, California with a little help from wedding dancers Ken Caillat (Fleetwood Mac producer), and Chubby Checker dancing a mean twist. Intro by Dick Clark and myself.”
This was a joyous occasion for Jeff. He was thrilled to be jamming and sharing a stage with these music legends just as his own star was beginning to ascend. Enjoy…
Be good to each other folks. We’ll see you real soon.
Cristie Healey & Roger Costa

I miss Jeff with all my heart loved when he spun his 78″s on his U of T radio show and everything else he did his love for the blues , his amazing guitar playing , Jeff more than any other Canadian I can think of Made Me Proud to be A Canadian , he stands with the other greats artists , an inspiration like the Group Of Seven an original man , I believe the greats get taken early to be shared in other far off places , Jimi Hendrix , Stevie Ray Vaughan , I am sure you get my drift , knowing these amazing souls are there on the other side makes dying a lot easier , don’t you think . I do , Bless you all Ron Brumpton
I just wanted to let you guys know how much Jeff Healey is missed.I loved his music.Best Blues guitarist to play.I was hurt to hear he passed away.I wanted to see him concert but i never got to.There is a guy I know who reminds me of Jeff Healey .His name is Sonny Mormam. He kinda sounds like JEFF WHEN HE SINGS TOO. He has that raspy blues voice also and is a great guitarist.Please look him up on Face Book.He has cds. After the Road House movie I was hooked on Jeff. Love that raw blues sound he has and has a lot of heart and soul in his music. I just want Jeff to know he is missed very much. I will keep his music alive jamming in my car,or outside jamming him in the garage cleaning on my motorcycle. Thank you Jeff Healey for all the incredible music. R.I.P
I was fortunate enough to see him in concert once. It was at a 3-day blues fest at Turtle Creek Casino year’s a go.
Still he is one of my absolute favorites!! Not only do I love to listen to him play, . But I always felt he had a certain sincerity in his voice that touch’s your soul.
He was one of my boyfriends favourites as well. Unfortunately, he passed March 26, 2013, it has been a rough year for me- but last weekend I played every CD we had by Jeff, it was a mix of tears, smiles and memories, got me thru the day…..
We’re so sorry for your loss Ann. Be well, ~Rog
I remember him playing me about that wedding. He was in California to record his first album and make Roadhouse. Talk about multitasking!
Miss him every day. He got me singing again and I will owe him for that as long as I live.
Sorry that should read “telling me” not “playing me”! Clearly I need more coffee this afternoon.
The world is a better place because Jeff Healey was in it. His phenomenal music & amazing legacy will live on forever. Our hearts go out to his family & friends.
Lee, Sharen & Destiny
Never actually managed to see him perform unfortunately but i have seen pretty much every piece of film with him performing and i think i have most of his music although i am constantly on lookout ………never knew the guy personally but alway’s felt his sincerity and alway’s felt overwhelmed by the sheer warmth of his personality i didn’t have to meet him to know he was a wonderful man………….God bless you Jeff……….miss you buddy……………..a fan xxxx
I was knocked for a loop when Jeff left us. I remember that we were hopeful that he was getting through his illness and then it was over so quick. I met Jeff a few times in Vancouver and cherished the warmth and fun energy he had. One night when he was filling in for a sick member of a featured band at The Yale Hotel, he broke a string on his guitar. I was close by and was able to lend him my Strat so he could continue. Little did he know and to his great surprise, that guitar was equipped with some lovely and very powerful DiMarzio “Fat Strat” pick-ups which made him turn the volume on his Marshal amp down! Needless to say, he had a lot of fun with it, jumping with joy as he ripped some awesome solos. We had a hearty laugh after he was done. It makes me sad and happy when I remember that day and others that I spent some time with him. Peace! ^/^
My friend dragged me to one Saturday afternoon jam at Healey’s in T.O. And I never looked back. We were there every weekend. I’m so grateful we got to meet Jeff and see him and the band play. He had a great mischievous sense of humour and even made time to sit with us on my friend’s birthday. He was a beautiful person with unbelievable talent and those afternoons we spent listening to them play will be cherished for the rest of my life. I wish I could say thanks. We miss you Jeff. Truly do.
My wife won tickets from Q107 a Toronto radio station.
So we went to the Toronto music awards.
Jeff Healey sat down on a chair on stage 10 feet in front of me.
When he started to play, He blew me away!!!!
He sang from the soul.
Big fan ever since.
Sad he is gone, He left us a great gift with his music.
6 years, Wow, I miss him every single day. I was definitely one of the lucky ones that knew Jeff his whole life. I love that he has left such and incredible legacy for his wonderful family.
Stories, memories and so much love…always in my heart my friend.
I became aware of Jeff Healey at some point whether through a video show, the movie he was in, an album of his or something; I don’t quite recall now; anyway, I am thankful that I got to see him in concert once (The Breakers in Point Roberts?, Washington) as well as listen to the albums released before and since he left us. Definitely one of the best and one of my favorite musicians (not just favorite Canadian musicians)…it’s so neat to learn how he got to meet other guitarists whose music I also enjoy – Stevie Ray, BB King etc.
I first heard of Jeff after reading about him in a guitar magazine, right as “See the Light” was being released. As a huge Stevie Ray fan, I had to run out and pick up the CD. I was completely floored! I unfortunately never got to see him live, but continued to buy all his records, until he drifted away from the blues/rock and into his jazz phase, which, while disappointing to many, I completely understand, as an artist needs to do what makes them happy. Godspeed Jeff, we all miss you terribly!
The Jeff Healey Band was indeed one of my favorite bands. He sang from the heart and played with such ease. I was honored to have met him and the rest of the band on his bus in Peterborough. He had such warmth. And his beautiful baby girl only a couple of months old at the time thrilled me to no end. I will never forget his concerts always a joy to me and and great time was had. When he disbanded the jeff Healey band and played with the Jazz Wizards I was again thrilled and lucky to be in the presence of Jeff. Rest in Peace. you are loved
Had heard Jeff and his band on the radio. Used to listen on occasion to his radio show on the CBC. And, just recently found a copy of his live Jazz album with Colin Barber(?). Have always loved music – period. And his, especially.
Cristie and Rog. Thank You for this. My memories of Jeff are priceless. I was so blessed to have met him and his humour was his greatest asset if you know what I mean. What a great soul and inspiration for all of us.
Hello from Japan. I’m a 35 years old Japanese man.
When I was 15, my friend introduced to me ” see the light” of Jeff.
One time listening was good enough to start loving him and his music,
and I bought his CD immediately. I have grown up but I always meet
him on youtube every morning before going to work. I like your smile when
playing your guitar. I really miss you…..