‘Moodswing’ from ‘Heal My Soul’ (Convexe Entertainment 2016)

Welcome to the latest installment of our Essential series.  Today we focus on Moodswing, an extraordinary cut from the critically acclaimed ‘lost’ Jeff Healey album, ‘Heal My Soul

“Descent is easy and rapid and Ascent is toilsome and slow” – Jerome Godboo

One of two tracks on Heal My Soul written by Toronto indie legends, the Phantoms (Jerome Godboo, Ben Richardson, Joe Tool & Greg Tunis), Moodswing is Jeff Healey like you’ve never heard before.  Steeped in swampy tone, the track simply oozes groove.

From the opening notes, as Jeff’s wah-wah-ed out guitar cuts through the silence, thick with attitude, you know you’re in for a journey. Jeff lets loose as the band kicks in… long soaring notes slicing through a crushing rhythm.

By the time the first verse slinks into your ears, Jeff’s voice has hooked you. Jerome’s evocative lyrics and Jeff’s effects laden background vocals lend Moodswing an otherworldly atmosphere. You can feel the heat coming out of your speakers.

“He exalted that track man… raised it up.  I feel that Jeff’s version of Moodswing adds an expansive heavenly aura to the song ; and the guitar solo gives it that pained reaching for salvation.  When I hear that song, he just took it to a whole other level, one I didn’t write.  That makes me feel really good y’know, to have someone expand the original vision in a way that makes it bigger.  I love it.”

“I just wrote the song about an earthly problem… overcoming temptation and reining yourself in, and then Jeff gives you the answer, when you rein yourself in, BOOM, you get bigger.  It’s about indulging in passions that make you feel good for a moment and ultimately make you weaker.  Seek freedom and become captive to your desires; seek discipline and find your liberty.” – JG

The power in Jeff’s vocals is undeniable.  He alternates between a low, conspiratorial tone of desire and a powerful proclamation of intent, all tied together by sweet affected harmonies. The relentlessly emotive guitar throughout serves as an incredible counterpoint, pushing the song higher.

“…the guitar is astounding! Oh my God. He’s just rippin’! Oh man… This is the best guitar playing I’ve ever heard.” -JG


“The, ‘This time I will take control’ lyric is about renewed determination to live a loving life. Loving yourself and others.” – JG

As with the rest of Heal My Soul, Jeff’s performance on Moodswing is filled with power and passion.  When I was bouncing around album titles for this project, I noticed that there were recurring references to the ‘Soul’ across several songs, the strongest being in Moodswing.  It is from here that the title for the record was plucked.  This time I will HEAL MY SOUL“.  It just fit, and it tied a neat bow on an extraordinary set of tracks recorded during an exceptional time in Jeff’s life and career…

With Jerome’s blessing, we are very proud to be able to share with you the promotional lyric video we produced for the track back in 2016.  It was only shown briefly back when Heal My Soul was first released, almost 2 years ago.  Enjoy!


