Sixteen years… there are days that it still doesn’t seem real. On this date, back in 2008 the world lost a musical supernova, and we lost a brother, husband, father, friend…

Jeff burned brightly with us for far too short a time. All these years later, his impact continues to be felt amongst the lives he touched.

Not a day goes by that Jeff isn’t remembered.


As many of you know, we have been busy working away on the very first authorized Jeff Healey documentary, ‘SEE THE LIGHT: The Jeff Healey Story‘. Months (years really) of preparation and planning came to a head as we began shooting interviews for the film back in January. So far, our journey has taken us from Toronto to Los Angeles, Vancouver to Victoria, and Nashville back to L.A. Next week we’ll be rolling into New York City. We have spoken to friends, family, colleagues, and music legends. Hearing their stories, their memories of Jeff, has been an incredible experience, one we can’t wait to share with you… We still have much work to do but over the next few months we’ll be able to finally share some cool details with you. We’re incredibly excited and we think you will be too.

But first… mark your calendars. March 21st we will be making a massive announcement! A year ago we were ready to share the news, but the universe had other ideas. Now, to be fair, we still can’t say anything yet, except that it’s the culmination of years of hard work and effort, and we are so incredibly stoked!

Soon kids… So very soon!


As always my friends, thank you for your continued support. Without you, none of this is possible.

So tonight, if you have a moment, we’d like to ask you to raise a glass of your preferred beverage, fire up your favourite Jeff Healey CD, LP, YouTube videoSpotify Playlist, etc… and remember.


Be good to each other peeps. We’ll see you back here real soon…

